Family Prayer
God is strategic in all His maneuvers, that He has ordained such a time as this for the Allen/Boks/Hickmon/Zigler Family to come together annually to celebrate as a family. Let us pray:
Most Gracious & Loving God;
Father, we thank you first for your love, for the gift of your Son, for the workings of Christ on the cross, which has given us the gift of life and family. We praise you for your goodness and your mercy towards us, thanking You for our roots...our a family, whose forefathers received, believed and trusted in You, and planted a seed that would grow from generation to generation, forevermore. 
As a family coming together from every province, city and state, we thank You for safe travels and for attendance in abundance. We pray that all financial needs are met, for You are able to make all grace abound, having all sufficiency in all things, for this festive celebration and that this time together will be remembered and forever imprinted in our hearts. Until our Feast of Purim, may the peace of God carry us until the reunion and may the Love of God sustain us forever.
Now unto Him who is able to keep us from falling and to present us faultless before the presence of your glory with exceeding joy, to the only wise God our Savior, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever. Amen